Triangle Radiator & Auto Service – How Often Should Your Car’s Engine Coolant Be Changed?

This is an issue that can vary according to each vehicle. In general, though, we tend to suggest an engine coolant change every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. The majority of vehicles these days use extended life engine coolant that is ordinarily a 50/50 blend of antifreeze and water in the radiator that gives protection against boiling over in warm weather and freezing in cold weather.

Engine Coolant

How Often Should Your Car’s Engine Coolant Be Changed?

Engine coolant can degrade over time and should be tested to determine if it is still in good condition. Even when a vehicle’s coolant reservoir indicates it has adequate coolant levels, a coolant drain and flush may be still required to maintain optimal performance.

Engine coolant may become increasingly acidic with time and lose its rust-inhibiting qualities, leading to corrosion. Corrosion can cause significant damage to the radiator, the water pump, the thermostat, hoses and other components of the cooling system. Problems with any of those are what can cause an engine to overheat.

Generally, we advise that any vehicle that has over 50,000 miles on it should be tested regularly. Our mechanics check for signs of rusting, fluid leaks verify that the vehicle has satisfactory cooling and overheating protection. If corrosion inhibitors contained in a coolant system have diminished, the antifreeze coolant is due to be changed. Plus, the cooling system may also need to be flushed to get rid of contaminants.

Given how critical your vehicle’s coolant system is to reliable performance, be sure to call Triangle Radiator & Auto Service at the first sign of overheating. We’ll take a look at your vehicle’s engine at make affordable repairs necessary to ensure you get back on the road safely! Visit our shop at 4060 North Elston Avenue for prompt service!