Do I keep my old car or buy a new car? It’s a question most Chicago drivers ask themselves more often then not.
Old Car
Basically, it comes down to is the choice between a car payment and the cost repairing your car. Most of the time, we want to choose the car payment because we don’t like the inconvenience or uncertainty of car repairs. That car payment has a terrible effect on our budget and bank account. is a great website to help you with your decision. This site uses repair histories to calculate the average repair bills for specific makes and models of cars. You can input in the information for your vehicle and get an rough estimate on what it may cost you to continue owning the vehicle.
Now, is just a guide. It can not know what will happen to your specific vehicle. It can guide you in knowing how much money to budget for the repair and maintenance of your vehicle. Ultimately, that can help you in your decision to buy a new vehicle or wait a few years.

old car vs new car
An example, a five-year-old Corolla is projected by to cost about $93 a month, on average, to repair and maintain. Remember, maintenance costs are part of all car ownership, whether it’s a new car or an old one, so the projected cost for repairs on your five-year-old Corolla average out to only about $50 a month. That’s a lot less than a new car payment.
If your vehicle is older than five years, you should also talk to us, your friendly and knowledgeable professionals at Triangle Auto Service about its future. We are more familiar with the average cost of repairs for vehicles in Chicago and of specific problems we commonly see in certain vehicles. More importantly, we know you and we know your car. We will give you a heads-up on what repairs you need now and repairs you may be facing in the near future.

Chicago auto repair
Remember, the older your vehicle gets, the more important preventive maintenance becomes. Over time, vehicles start to wear, and we just have to give them a little more attention. Getting to know your vehicle and its peculiarities is also good auto advice for Chicago drivers.
Good car care at Triangle Auto Service in Chicago will keep your older vehicle on the road. That may be just the boost you need in this uncertain economy. It may even save you enough to be able to afford that new car you’ve been dreaming about.
Triangle Auto Service
4060 N. Elston
Chicago, Illinois 60618